Energy and time is new god

In the world where many religion and cultures believe in their different gods  but I have to say even though the time is most important of all is not raised to the status of god .Yes I confess that many religion worship energy as their god.Lets see at this particular situation ,time is unidirectional entity which has gone through all the worldly  pleasure and the sorrows and while some times erased some of the history and in some case glorified the stature of some historical events.Now adding the flavor of energy to the context.Energy came from the singularity at time ‘zero’ from which the universe started and evolved or transformed to the ever expanding phenomenon .Even mass is a form of energy that is even we are a form of energy.Not much to my surprise holy scripts say that there is a god in you.Adding energy and time is everything we got in the universe.It is the time that we call luck and energy that is hard work that gives me a job.Whereas miss calculation of these entity may land you up in not getting one job.After telling all this I do believe in  god the singularity and I cannot rule out the possibility of energy and time theory .If energy is life then time is death.
What do you think?

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