Lost stories.

   It will be actually about two  century after the real incident took place. First believe me or don’t believe me at all . Hello,I am Shiva my age is 61,well mathematically  a big error in that figure. I was born at 1784 in Kudla commonly known as Mangalore now. Our family were farmers ,we did much to live life to the minimum than to achieve something in life . As I was growing up I realised that I would be a farmer as well like my father and my other brothers . Which I did not like ,I wanted to be something other than a farmer . I was working in the field from  6 years ,each day was getting  longer than the previous day . But it could be even worse.
   Now when I was 12 as usual I was working at the field ,I got into an argument with my brother over some assigned to my brothers as they put it on my shoulders . Our father was a tough man he wanted everyone to respect elders . He hit me very hard for arguing with my brothers . I don’t know may be out of frustration I was sick of all this thing I ran far away as I could away from my family for the first time and the last time .
   It was about half an hour later I realized that I came to far and I realized that I was near the forest . Some called it was filled with leopards and poisonous snakes ,but there was some force that pulled me towards that forest , the force of temptation and the damned. I went inside the forest ,it was quite to my surprise . It was filled with tall trees and thick vegetation ,I crawled  like the shadow through the wild .There was a strange light coming from somewhere I moved near it but it went far but it disappeared ,I am not kidding, as it was from eternity.Now I came to reality I wanted to go home,I was afraid this time as it was getting dark and I was in middle of nowhere .

  I tried to go back home as I felt lonely and lost.It was getting dark now and however I managed to come out of this thick vegetation.But unfortunately I was lost again ,I saw a new world which I newer knew or even imagined .I thought maybe I came to some kind of town so I went on forward to ask help from some elders over there .But undoubtedly the scene over there was very different ,the air was thick filled with some kind of smoke or something the place was to crowded which I didn’t see in any of the market place so far in my life ,the street was filled with vendors selling food,flower and some fancy dresses which was comical for me,the shops where different here it was well presented and they wrote symbols over the shop maybe to greet people to the shop  .The people here used some kind of automatically moving machines but I thought it was impossible,all my life I thought we could travel through bullock cart.
   I was unnoticed by everyone on the street at the end of the ally I saw some guy collecting trash or something .I thought he could spare a minute for me so I went and told who I was ,but unfortunately he didn’t know my family (his accent was very strange),I asked where is this place ,he said Hampankatta, Mangalore (trade point in Mangalore )which I didn’t hear of ,I said I was lost so he took me to a temple I slept there for this  night but I was truly I missed my mother and my family.Morning at 5:00 there where some people with tuft paying respect to the got I went there to pray and hope to find my parents.I asked the priest about my story and asked if they could help me.They where  surprised about the forest part in it as they never heard about so dense a forest nearby .At afternoon they where free I took them to place where forest was ,but I  was baffled to see there were houses and streets with the strange vehicles.’I was lost but never lost ‘I told myself and started weeping so hard .They would never believe my story again as there was no forest from where I came from. So I told them later that I was lying as I was lost and didn’t know where I was from or who my parents where .
    They took me to an orphanage ,the ‘sisters’(as they call themself)  took care of me for 6 years by the the way they made me study all the stuffs which I never thought of  or dreamt of still I thought that I would reach my parents somehow .By the the way I learned some science and languages.I was dressed well by them and fed enough ,I came to know I was at 1988 when I was 15.At 16 I came to know who Gandhi (I have no clue why they fought for freedom)was and where Mangalore was really.Am I really missing something ,yes obviously some good math and reasoning which I came to know at 17 .I was at the future or somewhere but I didn’t believe in it ,but I knew I was lost for ever .So it could not be mistake as we where ruled by Mysore(Hyder Ali) when my father was young .Then the British took the place till 1794 ,I was 10 then my father told stories that Tippu Sultan son of Hyder Ali reclaimed his territory again.So I was born at 1784 for sure.I was at the future!!
  Knowing the truth that I was at the future was very bitter for me knowing that I will never see my parents and more over I felt the burden of guiltiness for leaving them and the loneliness knowing that my parents were still alive in their time.But when I was 18 I moved out of the orphanage and I didn’t stop trying to find my parents somehow through that forest.I did some part time job in some shops,after some time I started staying in rented house,all these events motivated me to learn more about the theory about time and other sciences .I started to work over night and earn lots of money ,I took new books to read and by 2 years I had enough money to do my degree (I quickly adapted to this world) along with my job as night watch man. The quest for knowledge took me to new level .After i got the degree I got a seat in IISc as I got the chance to do research in the field of quantum mechanics(I have several research paper in my name,and Doctorate ).
  I met Geetha at Bangalore ,we married and now have a son (She ok with the fact that I didn’t have any family,I never told her my story ).All these years I succeeded in life as a man,I was motivated because I knew that we could travel in time by my experience ,but the man know so little .As a child when I told this story I was mad ,what if I told the same story now ,well people are so afraid of change that they will call me a mad scientist.Isn’t it worth knowing the truth or is it not,I failed in finding the theory to travel to future till now who knows I could get it right someday or some other guy would find it out.I would go to the same place where there was a forest hoping to find the way to home ,the light from eternity,Each day I remember my mom there is a pain in my mind that I will never get her back,I would never work in the field,there was no one to teach values like my father.
  I wonder whether this time is not a string of events that happens randomly which we call our experience.But I think time is packets of instances which is one of many  probabilities that might happen. Only one instances could happen at a time .Maybe I got a wrong instance in between the actual instance that should have happened.Well I am lost now.I don’t know if its real ,maybe this is only there in my head,am I having a long nightmare,or time is in our head which takes control of our actions.I don’t know.By the way if you believe me what is your thought.Or is there any one who is of my kind.
Yours as usual Truly,
Shiva(At 2039 because time is important).

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